Friday, February 8, 2008

Something Amazing by a New Graduate...

Hello SBU DPT,

I witnessed something that instilled great pride in me this evening. At the HPA business meeting, a young therapist named Sandy from New York City, stood up and articulated a vision for the profession, the disabled, and for society. With only a passion for what she believed, she introduced a motion that we adopt a position statement that declares all people with disabilities have the right to health care. This is more than a right to have a ramp (accommodation) in order to efficiently enter a physical therapy clinic for treatment (access), but rather that it is a right of all people with disabilities to have physical therapy to restore lost function, improve their standard of living, and level the playing field of life. The motion passed.

This is an element of a much greater debate in our society. Is health care a right? or is it a privilege? HPA hosted a session at CSM 2008 on Thursday discussing this topic. It was so full that we had to close the session and turn people away. With the upcoming election for President of the United States, this debate will only continue.

Most of all, on this evening, I was proud. I was proud that a recent graduate felt empowered to act to better society. I was proud that a young professional was passionate about the profession of physical therapy. Stay tuned. It appears that HPA will now work to champion this position statement and send it through channels to the APTA House of Delegates.

Together with you in His service!


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