I was asked a few weeks back by Dr. Jenkins if I would enter a charity event to help raise money for a project the students were doing. The email went something like this... "The Physical Therapy team is planning to do a fund raiser for the American Heart Association Heart Walk (Springfield, MO) and we need your help!!! We are planning on a doing a coin drive with 5 faculty members ... The students will bring in change and place it in the container of the person they would like to see get a pie to the face. The person with the most money in their container will be the "winner" of the pie in the face. However, if you are the "winner" and you would rather not take the pie, you will have the option to match the money that was raised and get out of the pie situation. It would then default to the next highest money raiser, and so on."
Well the grand finale was held on April 8 at noon. The pie was bought (Chocolate, my favorite), and I seemed destined to take one for the team. The team was selling chili and cornbread and even selling deserts as well as raffling the chance to through the pie. I think they would have auctioned off the neuro-lab if I would have let them! Soon, after the festive eating was winding down, Dr. Jenkins, after some mild dramatics, announced the "winner!" It became evident that there was no way around it. The pie was handed to the winner of the raffle and after some documentary photographs, the students had their fun as I took a pie in the face.
All in all, the pie toss and chili earned the group about $300 to go to a worthy cause. I wish them the best in their continued efforts to raise funds for their big walk. If you wish to "take one for the team" and help support them, please contact Dr. Tena Jenkins or Dr. Amber Fleer.
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